
Anesthesia is a chemical that we use in every surgery today. Its importance is extreme and is easily taken for granted. Before  Anesthesia was found and perfected, there were many different trials and demonstrations that came before. The first successful public demonstration was done by William T. G. Morton in which he performed surgery on patient Edward Gilbert Abbott. The surgery included the use of ether (type of anesthesia) on a form of dental procedure on October 16, 1846 which took place in the soon to be called “The Ether Dome” following the world famous procedure in Massachusetts. A fellow surgeon John Collins noted, “Gentlemen, this is no humbug.”

First Successful Demonstration Done By W. Morton  (Woodlibrary)

Morton Inhaler Used During Surgery (Woodlibrary)

Patient, Edward Gilbert (Woodlibrary) 

Dr. J.H. Cotton Experimenting With Ether On Cat (Library of Congress)

Darwin Tests Ether On Venus Fly Trap (Woodlibrary)

Before humans were tested with the use of anesthetics, plants and animals were test subjects.

In 1844, dogs and cats were tested with cocaine crystals put to the eye by Carl Koller. The test resulted in corneas become completely numb. Anesthetics given to younger animals caused significant cell death and learning issues that follow into their adulthood.  

Data From Rats On Anesthesia  (ncbi)

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